Figuring out your financial plan helps to ensure success in your undergraduate degree. Being ready financially will help you to focus on your creative practice, classes and getting the most out of your time at OCAD U.
There are many ways to support your education costs: scholarships, bursaries, on-campus jobs and more!
OCAD U's undergraduate entrance scholarships and awards range from $500 to $5000!
All new, full-time, first-entry undergraduate students enrolling in first year will be automatically considered. You’ll need a strong portfolio or supplemental items and good academics, so keep up the hard work! Check out our portfolio pages to learn about strengthening your portfolio/supplemental application materials.
In-study Scholarships, Prizes and Awards
When you’re at OCAD, you’ll be able to take advantage of even more scholarships and awards.
- In-study scholarships recognize overall academic achievement and are given at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year levels of your program. These scholarships can range from $100-$4000!
- Prizes are given within both the Scholarship and Awards Programs and are of non-monetary and/or of monetary worth. ie. Professional membership, equipment and rental, etc.
- OCAD U Awards and medals recognize achievement in each program major at the fourth-year level normally through a juried competition at the end of each academic year. Awards are given as cash awards.
For more information, visit Scholarships and Awards
Government programs like the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) provide financial aid to students enrolled in post-secondary studies.
Loan programs can help pay for costs relating to your education such as tuition, books, compulsory fees, transportation and associated living costs for students who qualify Keep in mind that typically, this is money that you will have to pay back to the institution that loaned you the money. Some programs, like OSAP also include grants (money you keep!).
For more on loan programs for Ontario residents, other provinces within Canada, or applications from the United States explore more here.
Keep in mind that international students are not eligible for government assistance through Canadian Federal and/or Provincial loan programs. Check out International Tuition and Finances for more information about tuition, scholarships and bursaries geared to international students.
In general, students must apply for student loans through the province where they last lived for at least 12 months prior to entering full-time post-secondary studies.
Information on applying for assistance or renewing student loans previously issued through another province or territory can be found on the following provincial/territorial websites:
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Nova Scotia
Northwest Territories
Prince Edward Island
OCAD U has obtained eligibility for US students to secure private student loans through Sallie Mae only.
OCAD U can certify loan interest-free repayment deferrals for students who have previous Federal Family Education Program Loans and Federal Direct Student Loans funding.
Bursaries are non-repayable awards given primarily on the basis of financial need.
Bursaries are intended to supplement, not replace, other sources of funding that students may have for their studies.
We offer emergency bursaries to provide one-time, short-term assistance to students experiencing financial difficulties beyond their control.
Learn more about OCAD U bursaries and the application process.
The Ontario Bursary for Students with Disabilities (BSWD) and the Canada Student Grant for Services and Equipment – Students with Disabilities (CSG-DSE) help eligible full-time and part-time students pay for eligible disability-related services and equipment needed to participate in postsecondary studies.
If you have a verified permanent disability or a verified persistent or prolonged disability, you may be considered for BSWD and CSG-DSE funding.
There is also the chance to work at OCAD U while you study!
The University offers many on-campus employment opportunities (You could be a campus tour guide, IT/AV support, study-group leader, etc.) through the Institutional Work Study Plan (IWSP). Learn more about working on campus here.
Regardless of your program or residency status, our Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers (CEAD) can help you find work or internships off campus with one of our 400+ experiential learning partners. Learn more about the CEAD.

Financial Aid & Awards Info Session Recording