Transferring to OCAD University
Have you previously studied at the post-secondary level? There are several ways in which students with previous post-secondary education can have their experience recognized.
There are 3 transfer options at OCAD U:
- Transfer Credit Requests from First Year Students
- Upper Year Entry (advanced standing)
- Articulation Agreements & Transfer Pathways

Transfer Options at OCAD U
Your Next Steps
Please see OCAD University's Prior Learning Assessment Policy for more information, and our Residency Requirement Policy which states that at least 50% of a student’s degree requirements must be completed in residence at OCAD U.
Outside of the 3 transfer options above, we also have options for Course Challenge, Second Credential, and Special Student Status.
Course Challenge is for current students who can demonstrate through informal or unconventional means, that they have acquired the knowledge covered by a specific course offered at OCAD U. The request for challenge credit form and questions related to this should be directed to the Office of the Registrar at reghelp [at]
Second Credential is for OCAD U graduates interested in returning to OCAD U for another degree in a different program.
Special Student Status is for non-program students who want to take courses for credit at OCAD U. Please see Special Students for more information. Questions related to this should be directed to the Office of the Registrar at reghelp [at] Students who have completed OCAD U credit courses before formal admission to a program may request that these courses be credited toward their program requirements. Approval is granted at the discretion of the appropriate Dean in the appropriate Faculty Office.
Questions related to transferring to OCAD U can be directed to Leiko Shimizu, Senior Admissions & Transfer Officer at Lshimizu [at] or 416-977-6000 Ext. 308